Most of us know the stories surrounding Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr. Both men have become synonymous with treason. Arnold conspired with the British during the war, while Burr conspired against the United States to steal New Orleanes after his duel with Alexander Hamilton. Prior to their treason, both men served the American cause with great zeal, contributing a tremendous amount to the American cause.
So which of these men is the bigger traitor? Does Burr win the title for his attempt to lure the southern states ay from the union and for his attempt to take control of the Mississippi by conquering New Orleanes? Or does Arnold win the title for his attempt to give the British control of the Hudson River by surrendering Westpoint?
In my opinion, Burr wins this head-to-head matchup easily. Your thoughts...
No doubt about it...Burr wins this one hands down!
Burr baby...Burr! =)
I agree. Burr's duplicity was greater than that of Arnold, in that Burr's was against the United States. Arnold rebelled against the cause of the Revolution, as the United States as a country, and as we know it, had not come into being as of yet. Which brings me to another question (an observation, actually). Why is it that Arnold is cast as this great dark cloud on the American history horizon, yet Robert E. Lee and others that led the Confederate army are given a pass and are cast as purveyors of a "lost cause?" What they did WAS outright treason, as they led armies AGAINST the country that they had once sworn to defend.
In my opinion Arnold was the biggest traitor. Had Arnold succeeded with his plan the revolution might have turned out much different then what we know today. He betrayed the trust of then General Washington and he was about to give the British total control of one most stratigic point in the revolution. West Point militaraly might have been a major turning point had the British taken control. The United State was not even a country. For this Arnold in my book is the biggest traitor.
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