While surfing the net, I found an interesting website that depicts a mock debate between George W. Bush and George Washington. It is based on George W. Bush's second inagural address and George Washington's farewell address. I realize that this is hardly a scientific or historical account, but it is still interesting. I think the author makes some interesting comparisons. Anyway, here is the website where you can read the script of the alleged debate. Enjoy!
Interesting website. I'm not sure how relevant it is to history, but like you stated, it was an interesting comparison.
I enjoyed your link Steve! This was pretty creative and fun. I salute the author of that webpage, and I LOVE the picture of "W."
Creative and interesting, but...
(and I offer this as a critic of much of Bush's foreign policy, so don't label me as a Bush disciple)
...the situation that George Washington faced was VERY different from what we face as Americans today.
I'm all for holding up the principles of America's founding as a conscience of sorts for our policy-makers today. But the specific applications of those ideas will vary.
I will defend George W. Bush on one point. I don't think it's fair to portray him as "burning the Constitution" any more than some of our previous Presidents. I find that many of Bush's critics are very selective in what portions of the Constitution should be considered sacrosanct.
Looking over the last 10-15 years, BOTH political parties have taken liberties with different sections of the US Constitution. That's one the reasons I've gotten burned out and frustrated with politics.
I totally agree with Brian. Though I dislkike Bush as much as anyone here, I also realize that he is not the only president to bypass the Constitution at his liesure. Like Brian, I am completely fed up with politics, which is why I am an independent voter (see my new icon). The last president that actually gave a damn about the Constitution (in my opinion) was Eisenhower. I do wish, however, that our current leaders would heed the counsel of our Founding Fathers. Their ideas are timeless.
To hell with Bush. Our Founding Fathers would have impeached him years ago. Any comparison between bush and washington is like comparing an ant to a mountain lion...there is no compoarison.
Of cource the most important points of Washington's Farewell Address were that American neutrality was essential to our survival, we should not make foreign alliances and that Americans should not form political parties and divide the nation. Both of these points lie contrary to every facet of the current president's administration. And of course.neither presidetn persoanlly wrote these remarks.
Washington put the finishing touches on his specch, which was never actually delivered but was published. It is important to note both Madison and Hamilton had heavy hands in the composition of this open letter to the American republic, which would be a more accurate term for it.
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